New Fiction Release! Go Hard or Go Home: A Car Wars Autoduel Chronicles Anthology

Go Hard or Go Home a Car Warriors Autoduel Chronicles anthology

The big events may get most of the limelight, but that’s not where all the action happens.

This collection of fast-paced, action-packed stories highlights the road warriors who struggle to survive, without the glory of the duel. Caravan guards, gun bunnies, insurance adjusters, mechanics, reporters, scavengers, and more!

If you can’t keep up, maybe it’s time to head back to the garage…

So… what’ll it be?

Will you Go Hard or Go Home?

GO HARD OR GO HOME: A Car Warriors Autoduel Chronicles anthology includes nine high octane stories filled with betrayals, high speed chases, and so much more.

The story Monica wrote is called “Crossed for Gold,” and it’s about a desperate character named Edge who’ll do whatever it takes to save her niece, Tessa.

Here’s an excerpt about a car featured in the story:

“To cough up five grand in a day or two, I’d sell my one true love: a vintage Shelby kit car that, when assembled, was worth about 50 grand. Original or not, an ultra-rare 1965 Shelby S/C Cobra CSX Series 6000 was the kind of mid-20th century car many nouveau riche collectors would be proud to own—with or without weapons modifications. Except, kit cars were as common as algae. I needed an immediate buyer for mine.”

— from “Crossed for Gold,” a Car Wars Autoduel Chronicles story by Monica Valentinelli

If you haven’t checked out this heart-pumping anthology yet, what are you waiting for? Vrooom… VROOOOOOM!

Affiliate links will take you to Amazon. You can also pick up this collection wherever books are sold.

BooksOfM Year-End Summary and 2021 Publications

Hello and welcome to my 2021 year end summary!

Instead of simply listing my credits like I did in my 2020 BooksOfM publications post, I want to share a more substantive update. The list follows and only reflects published works not what’s in progress.

2020 was, in my mind, a successful year because I survived the pandemic. Yes, I lost a lot, much like so many of you, but at the same time? I am incredibly lucky, because I am still here. To help me get through months of quarantine and endless amounts of waiting, I made a list—well over 100 items long—of all the things I wanted to do, learn, or try. If 2020 was “Wake Up. Kick Ass. Repeat,” 2021 has been revised to: “Wake Up. Plant a Seed. Help it Grow.”

It has been a quiet year, a year of personal development and growth, a year of cultivating, cutting, and harvesting, a year of being “off-stage” to work, find new gigs, and write on spec. I started the year not knowing how I was going to plow through 2020 Round Two with an article sale 101 Softly Delivered Writing Lessons to Apex Magazine and two 30-day challenges: a month-long art challenge I posted at BooksOfM on Ko-Fi and a month-long poetry challenge I published through BooksOfM on Patreon. (You can find the poems when you become a patron; you can also read about my decision not to publish a chapbook.) The poetry was emotionally draining, so I took a break to refuel my proverbial well and focused on social media management—making images for my existing/upcoming releases—along with a presentation about new players at the GAMA Expo Online.

Then, in April (following my hilarious-to-me Artisanal Writer April Fool’s joke news of vaccine availability started to circulate and I breathed a little easier. (Okay, a lot.) It helped I also had something fun to focus on: Sirens: Battle of the Bards Kickstarter. I signed on to write for the 5E campaign setting; that work is now complete and I really loved the experience and my contribution to the larger world.

In the Spring, I also taught a couple of writing workshops through the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers using tarot and ways to generate stories. I’m happy to report that my not-so-secret secret is slides; I do prep well ahead of time. It helps me keep time and the students engaged. In the middle of a very busy month, I was surprised to find out my short story “Scritch, Scratch” from Haunting Shadows for Wraith: The Oblivion was a 2021 Scribe Awards Nominee.

This Summer, I shifted gears to focus on community content and prepare for my first guest appearance in two years at GameHole Con 2021. I released the “Eyes of Spiragos” adventure for Scarred Lands, then drafted a pair of adventures I wanted to playtest along with a city building workshop, interview questions for my Rethinking Fear in Horror Games with Megan Connell, fundraising for Extra Life, etc. The show was packed and I’m very grateful for time spent with wonderful peers, fans, and friends.

Also in October, I was invited to participate in the Infinite Masters program for Pathfinder, published two releases, and then announced I’m part of a super exciting project—Tales of the RED for the Cyberpunk RED RPG. In November, I completed the first drafts and handed those in! More on this upcoming project later.

Now, as I inch closer to 2022, I’m wrapping up the year to (hopefully) leap forward in 2022. In December, I typically spend time free writing to reflect on the prior year. So how did I line up with my public-announced resolution to write for myself every day? Well, hilariously that is exactly the spot where I ended up, just not in a way I expected it to. When I wrote that resolution, I thought it meant: “Work on my own IPs every day.” Or, to not write for someone else. Except, this year I rediscovered joy in everything I wrote—from marketing copy to Cyberpunk. (Especially Cyberpunk!!!!) Now I really do “write for myself” every day, no matter who I’m volunteering/working with or for, in the healthiest, loving way possible.

This year, I’m tabling my Writerly Accountability post; setting goals has been great, mind you, but friend I need a vacation. Sunlight would be nice, too. And an ocean or three.

On that note, here’s my 2021 publications:

Published Fiction in 2021

“From an Honest Sister, to a Neglected Daughter”, Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries, 2021, Chaosium Publishing

“Revenge of the Deceiver” short story, Pathfinder, 2021, Pathfinder Infinite

Published Games

Sea of Legends board game, 2021, Guildhall Studios (IF)

WORLD OF DARKNESS GHOST HUNTERS, 2021, Onyx Path Publishing/Paradox Interactive

EYES OF SPIRAGOS, a Scarred Lands 5th Edition adventure, 2021, Slarecian Vault

UNLIKELY COMPANIONS, Pathfinder First Edition, 2021, Pathfinder Infinite

October Announcements, New Releases, and Classes!

Hello readers! I have several announcements to share with you today. For your convenience, I’ve collated them all into one giant update.

New Story with Character Rules

I’m pleased to announce I am an Infinite Master and released two titles today. Pathfinder Infinite is a new community content program for Pathfinder 1st and 2nd edition as well as the space-themed Starfinder.

Revenge of the Deceiver

My short story is a “buddy villain” tale titled Revenge of the Deceiver and includes 10 adventure seeds. Set in the necropolis Aerduin’s Folly, it pairs one of the reincarnated serpentfolk with an exiled goblin named Scribbleface.

Click here for Revenge of the Deceiver. This horror story is $1.99 and is available in PDF, mobi, and ePub formats.

I also released Unlikely Companions as a complement to this Pathfinder-inspired tale. If you dig the tale of Chissinilath the Reincarnated and Scribbleface, or want new NPCs to use in your Pathfinder 1E campaign, you’ll find stats, tips, and write-ups for both characters.

“Unlikely Companions” is available because of Scott Holden’s extensive rules knowledge. We worked together on Dagger of Spiragos and Ring of Spiragos for Scarred Lands, and he dropped everything to help.

Click here for Unlikely Companions. Available in PDF format for 99 cents. Compatible with Pathfinder First Edition rules.

Click here to view the Spiragos-themed Scarred Lands adventures. Available in PDF format at multiple price points. Compatible with Pathfinder First Edition and 5th Edition rules.

In-Person Workshop and Virtual Class

I’m teaching twice this month: A city-building workshop at Gamehole Con, and a virtual Horror in Gaming class on Halloween!

City Building Workshop: At Gamehole Con, I am teaching a city-building workshop to help you create settings for towns, villages, and cities where your characters live and thrive. Just a few spots left!

Virtual Horror in Games: On Halloween, I’m teaching a Horror in Games workshop through Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers. Perfect for DMs, narrative designers, and authors interested in fluid story dynamics. All participants will receive a full set of class slides. Sign up now and reserve your spot!

If you’d like to suggest a class or workshop you’d be interested, please use my contact form. I am starting to plan my 2022 schedule and am open to feedback.

Out Now! New Supplement!

Also new this week is World of Darkness: Ghost Hunters for Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition. Several contributors worked on this—including me!

World of Darkness Ghost Hunters

This supplement is full of lore and narrative tips for running a story-centric game set in the World of Darkness. A great companion to this supplement is Haunting Shadows, which includes my 2021 Scribe Award-nominated short story “Scritch, Scratch”.

Click here for World of Darkness Ghost Hunters. Available in print and digital formats.

Click here for Haunting Shadows. Available in print and digital formats.

Halloween Sale at DriveThru

As you’ve probably guessed, several of the games I’ve worked on are genre-related and almost always include mystery, magic, and mayhem—sometimes all three!

To participate in the Halloween sale, click here! You’ll find a list of several titles in print and digital that I wrote, designed, or produced.

See You at GameHoleCon!

Last, but not least I’ll be at GameHole Con next week! I’ve got several events and panels planned—plus a virtual chance to watch my charity game!

Thursday, October 21

Noon: The Box of Knowing 5th Edition adventure – SOLD OUT

4:00 pm: Working With Established Worlds seminar – TICKETS AVAILABLE

Friday, October 22

10:00 am: City Building Workshop – 4 TICKETS LEFT!

1:00 pm: The Shadow Labyrinth 5th Edition adventure – SOLD OUT!

6:00 pm: Rethinking Fear in Horror Games with Dr. Megan Connell – GOING FAST!

Saturday, October 23

6:00 pm: One Night in Ravenloft, a live stream to benefit ExtraLife. – TICKETS AVAILABLE!

Sunday, October 24

10:00 am: The Shadow Labyrinth 5th Edition adventure – SOLD OUT!

Monica Valentinelli GameHole Con 2021

New Release! SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries

SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries
In churches and convents and other religious communities, sisterhood takes many forms, forged and tested by such mundane threats as disease and despair, but also by terrors both spiritual and cosmic-Satan`s subtle minions and the Lovecraftian nightmare of the Outer Gods.

Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Histories presents sixteen horror stories by some of the genre`s leading female voices. Their settings range around the globe and across the centuries, from 14th century Spain to 17th century Virginia to England in the present day.

In this collection, find my Mythos-inspired story “From an Honest Sister to a Neglected Daughter” written as a prequel to “The Dunwich Horror”.

Now available wherever books are sold, including

[New Release] Tales of Excellent Cats

Tales of Excellent Cats | Edited by Melanie Meadors

I’m so excited today! I have a new short story to share with you called “Arrows, Blood, and a Long Overdue Catnap”. This short story is set in the fantasy setting Monarchies of Mau and is part of an anthology titled Tales of Excellent Cats. The main character, Zach, is inspired by my orange tabby. Nicknamed “Lord Lardbottom” due to his unique features, he is a polydactal manx and I love him dearly. He doesn’t move around like most cats because he has no tail and extra toes–just like Zach in the story.

Preview of “Arrows, Blood, and a Long Overdue Catnap”

Zachary slumped against the side of the Sneakin’ Inn to wait for his next client in the
alleyway. He’d have preferred to meet inside at midday instead of outside at sunset, but
while the Sneakin’ Inn served award-winning mead, the noisy tavern was also a popular
destination for opportunistic thieves and spies. Zach hated all that cloak-and-dagger stuff
because he couldn’t sneak around or pick a pocket — even if he wanted to.

No, Zach was good at two things, punching and napping, but only liked one of them. If
he could afford it, the older orange tabby would spend his afternoons dreaming about his
younger days, back when he was a lithe scrapper taking on those oh-so-proud members
of House Korat. He didn’t have the fancy pedigree, house, or coin required to lie about in
his hammock all day. What he did have was an intimidating reputation. His closest friends called him “Lord Doglover” on account of his doglike meaty paws — seven digits on each one! — and extra heft in his tailless, round bottom from a love of dog mead. He hated the nickname, but he let his friends get away with it. When his massive fists landed a blow, most other cats didn’t say much of anything.

Thankfully, Zachary figured out a way his unique “talent” could earn him enough coin
to keep his thatched roof from leaking. Being a guard for hire wasn’t enough to get him
off a steady diet of dried cod and the occasional pinch of lake grass, though, not for a poor tomcat like himself. Oh, what he wouldn’t offer to the Temple of the Nine for a freshly cooked hen? Or a smoked duck! But Zach wasn’t the wishful-thinking type; he knew no amount of prayer could whip up an expensive feast. Coin was the only thing that mattered. He preferred to earn his coin legally, but sometimes he didn’t have the luxury of picking his clients. Hopefully, Zach still had a few lives left. If not? Well, he didn’t want to think about it. Nobody paid him to be a philosopher; his clients gave him coin to ensure their safety.

“Zachary? Von…Shadow?” A cloaked figure stepped from behind a stack of empty barrels, and the waning light of the sun behind them cast a long shadow as if to say: Be careful, Zach. This cat’s not to be trusted.

To read the rest of the story, check out Tales of Excellent Cats from Onyx Path Publishing which was edited by Melanie Meadors. This collection of short stories is now available in multiple formats. You can grab a copy of this fun cat-themed anthology on,, and the Barnes and Noble Nook store.

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Monica Valentinelli >

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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