Author Signing at GenCon: Indy

I have an author signing! Sadly, there won’t be any cake, but there will be shiny new brochures and some promo cards for The Queen of Crows with artwork by illustrator Leanne Buckley.

I’ve got something else planned, too, but time is running short. I’m hoping to finish a scrapbook filled with photos and more information about my work. If it’s not done in time, then you’ll just have to wait until the next show. Sounds like I’ll have a couple of my books and games on hand, too.

    GenCon: Indy Author’s Alley Signing
    3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 5th
    Be there or get a -200 on your next roll

Truthfully, I’m still working on the whole “Hey, how can I inform people about my work without sounding like a complete diva?” angle, which is why I like doing these things. I’m expecting attendance to be hit-or-miss, as it usually is when I share a spot with the Guest-of-Honor. This year’s honorable author is Anton Strout.

The line will form on the left and the right. A part of me wishes we could be like those door knockers from the Labyrinth. Of course, I would be the one that only told the truth…

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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