A Thank You and a Voluntary Critique for Apex

There's a trojan on your computer

What a long, strange crazy week this has been–and it’s not even over yet! I am pumped, and feeling more like myself than I have in ages. Thank you! Yes, there has been unfortunate news shared about lags in my career which has shifted my priorities and goals for the umpteenth time in the past few years. However, looking for and finding gigs is part of being a writer and right now I have to hustle to make up that slack. Hustle, hustle.

Anyway, I wanted to pop in here on ye olde blog to say “Thank you.” I had forgotten just how supportive my friends are because we don’t see each other very often, and my attention has been closer to focusing on hearth and home. Reconnecting with old friends, and finding new readers, players, and fans has been supercharging me. It’s easy to focus on the peripheral or ancillary nonsense that has nothing to do with The WorkTM–especially in an era where we are seeing the tail end of mob rule on the internet.

Since I’m feeling all the love, I volunteered to do a short story critique for Apex Magazine as a means of giving back during their annual fund drive. I promise you it will be amazing and you’ll find a lot of value from my comments! There’s only ONE spot so grab it while you can.

UPDATE: This critique went very quickly, so it’s sold out. Maybe next time! If you’re interested in the fund drive, be sure to check out the Apex Magazine 2016 fund drive.

Monica Valentinelli >

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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