[Recommended] Dystopian Sci Fi Movie “Sleep Dealer”

One of the best things about Netflix, is its collection of foreign films. Last night we watched Sleep Dealer, a film set in a dystopian future – in Mexico. Produced in 2008, this film has garnered several awards, and I can see why. The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous, the use of color to show mood and the technology gives the story a noir feel. The story isn’t action-based, but has a satirical bent, a commentary without necessarily acting as an in-your-face commentary.

Part of the reason why I enjoyed this film for two reasons: one, I have an interest in futurism and two, I have a deep appreciation for other cultures and how they view genre. I talked a little bit about my love for futurism in an earlier post entitled Writing the Future, the Slow Creep of Ages, so if you’re interested in can read up on that. In terms of other cultures and genres? Well, I wrote a short story back in December for an anthology I’m waiting to hear back on. When I watched Sleep Dealer, I was reminded of my story’s tone and its military theme.

If you get the chance, check out the Sleep Dealer Trailer (English). I couldn’t find any legal copies to share with you here, so don’t be afraid to visit their site.

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