GenCon: Indy Writer’s Symposium Schedule, Events, and Workshops

This year, GenCon: Indianapolis takes place Thursday, August 1st through Sunday, August 4th. I’m presenting this year at the GenCon Writer’s Symposium and am offering a couple of workshops for ten dollars along with several free-to-attend events.

In addition to these events, I’ll have some wares on hand. I’m bringing print copies of Pinching Tarts, into shadow: a poetic exploration of personal fears, and earrings I designed specifically for GenCon!

Thursday, August 1st

Rediscovering the Magic in Magic – 2:00 p.m. – Marriott: Ballroom 4

Description: Join our panel of experts as they discuss the development of magic systems in the context of the new, the fresh, the global, the invigorating, and shall we say – the magical. Featuring: Marie Bilodeau, Brandon Crilly, Brian Duckwitz, Daniel ‘Doc’ Myers, Monica Valentinelli

Using Tarot as a Storytelling Tool – 4:00 p.m. – Marriott: Ballroom 3

Description: In this Tarot for Writers workshop, award-winning author and narrative designer Monica Valentinelli will show you how to use a deck of tarot cards as a storytelling tool. From inspirational prompts to building characters and scenarios, you’ll come away with fresh ideas to help you brainstorm narrative elements ranging from character relationships to plot twists. In addition to a lecture and slides, you’ll also perform short creative exercises–so get ready to be inspired! Featuring: Monica Valentinelli

Meet the Writers – 6:00 p.m. – ICC: Wabash 1

Description: To kick off the Writer’s Symposium, you can visit with all of the amazing guests, presenters, and panelists in this three-hour event.

Friday, August 2nd

Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Monica Valentinelli and Gini Koch – 1:00 p.m. – Exhibit Hall : Author Signing Tables (Back of Hall)

Description: Swing by the back of the Exhibit Hall to meet the panelists of the Writers’ Symposium and get your books signed. Or, buy a book or game – and get it signed on the spot. Or, just stop by and say hello!

Saturday, August 3rd

How to Write for the Ear – 3:00 p.m. – Marriott: Boston

Description: Join our panelists as they discuss how the way a story is consumed changes by the way you write it, how a story written specifically for the listener is different than when written for the visual reader. Featuring: Jennifer Brozek, Daniel ‘Doc’ Myers, Jordan Jones-Brewster, Lucien Soulban, Monica Valentinelli

Squeak and Geek – 5:00 p.m. – Marriott: Boston

Description: Ah! It’s Gen Con! Join Featured Speakers of the Gen Con Writers’ Symposium for an evening session of just seriously *geeking* about books, games, manga, and whatever else is on their minds! It’s super chill – join us? Featuring: Jessica Walsh, Briana Lawrence, James Farner, Mary Fan, Monica Valentinelli

Sunday, August 2nd

Adapting Stories to Games for Authors – 9:00 a.m. – Marriott: Boston

Description: Are you an author hoping to turn your novel into a game? Have questions about how the gaming industry works with authors? Glean insights from a 20-year veteran to achieve your goal. In this business-centric workshop, Monica Valentinelli will help you navigate different pathways to show you how you can transform your stories into games. You’ll walk away with a plan and the means to navigate the space more confidently. Featuring: Monica Valentinelli

GenCon Industry Insider Featured Presenter

GenCon 2016

Today, I’m happy to share with you that I’ll be returning to GenCon: Indianapolis to speak on panels. I will be a GenCon Industry Insider, participating in a track of panels to share industry insights with attendees, along with several other storied individuals including Emily Care Boss, Eddy Webb, Kenneth Hite, and several others announced via the website. Huzzah!

Congrats to all of the announced speakers. I can’t wait to see you at GenCon 2016! Heck, I may even wear a suit this time around…IF the weather holds up, that is.

My GenCon 2015 Schedule

This year, my fan-facing activities will be related to Firefly and the GenCon Writer’s Symposium. There will be several books of mine available at the show, and you can read about those here. If you are a member of the press, please contact me privately so I can find time to spend with you. If I’m currently working on a project with you and you’d like to meet up, please feel free to send me an e-mail as my schedule is pretty full.

Thursday, July 30

10:00 a.m. – SEM1577156 Craft: Where to Start the Story ICC : Room 243

2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – MWP Booth #1613

6:00 p.m. – SEM1577164 Craft: RPG Tie-In Fiction ICC : Room 243

Friday, July 31

2:00 to 3:00 p.m. – Signing in Author’s Alley

8:00 p.m. – ENnie Awards to announce the winners. Nominations for games I’ve worked on can be found here.

Saturday, August 1

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – MWP Booth #1613

7:00 – SEM1577146 WB: Monsters and Other Horrors ICC : Room 244

Sunday, August 2

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Read & Critique – Room 244 with Geoffrey Girard and Delilah Dawson.

My GenCon Schedule: Round One

This is the first of two posts regarding my GenCon: Indy schedule. This doesn’t include my signings at the booth, my meetings and social engagements, or any appearances for other publishers. The next update will have more information about what’s happening in the dealer’s hall. Please note that all of the Writer’s Symposium events will be in the convention center and not held at a separate hotel. 🙂


    11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Margaret Weis Production booth
    4:00 p.m. – Dealer’s Hall: Signing Tables

Writer’s Symposium

    10:00 a.m. Room 245: Online Presence SEM1345258
    11:00 a.m. Room 245: Promotions, Sales, Publicity, Public Relations SEM1345259
    1:00 p.m. Room 245: Networking, Not Name-Dropping SEM1345261
    2:00 p.m. Room 245: Pitches, Proposals and Promises SEM1345262
    3:00 p.m. Room 245: Signings, Podcasts and More SEM1345263
    5:00 p.m. Room 243: Reading SEM1345279


    1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Margaret Weis Productions booth
    4:00 p.m. Dealer’s Hall – Signing Tables

Writer’s Symposium

    5:00 p.m. Room 245: Genre Blender SEM1345291

Writer’s Symposium

    11:00 a.m. Room 243: VIP Panel Marketing Review WKS1345363

Post GenCon Wrap-Up and Silly Happy Updates

GenCon 2011 was a lot of work. Prior to the show, Matt and I were dodging bullets and putting in extra hours for the first DriveThruRPG partnership with White Wolf Publishing and select games from Malhavoc Press, Open Design, Nocturnal, Eden Studios and Abstract Nova.

Even with the booth location at the back of a very large and very huge hall… This venture was a runaway hit. The quality of the new books is really awesome. And the fans? The ones who practically wept with joy seeing Vampire: the Masquerade back in print? Or how about the guy that seriously demanded to know when his copy of the twentieth anniversary edition will be sitting in his mailbox because he loves that game so much.

Besides the already scheduled signings, Jim Zubkavich offered to sign the Exalted comic, Greg Stolze was happy to drop off signed excerpts of his Vampire: the Requiem novel, A Hunger Like Fire, and Jason Vey took time to sign All Flesh Must be Eaten books with me from Eden Studios.

Oh, and did I mention we sold out of Ptolus on Saturday morning?

The booth’s success was due to the efforts of the fine people working the booth. Chuck, Mike, Pauline, Sean, Matt, Steve, Corinne, Ken, Steve, Luke, Carol and myself. We came, we sweated, we had meetings, we ate, we sweated some more…

I had a ridiculously busy schedule, but had some help getting through it with my friend Jack Daniels. By the time Monday rolled around, I was “deep fried” and happy to be home.



All that squeezing and pushing and cracking heads prior to the show leaves me with? NO STRESS. NO DRAMA. I have forward momentum on many irons in the fire that I’ve been developing for some time.

And some new ones, too! Which are… awesome… In many ways… Of course, probably the best update I have is that we’re scheduling a vacation. Well, that and the awesome, awesome meetings I had. All of which went swimmingly well.


More updates and news will be released as it happens. I’m happy to be focusing on the creative aspects of my work, my jewelry design and my art and thrilled I’m working with such excellent and admirable hobbits people.

Life, quite frankly, is made out of awesome. Although my fridge is a little… Well… empty

Next Posts

Looking for Monica’s books and games that are still in print? Visit Monica Valentinelli on Amazon’s Author Central or a bookstore near you.


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