A Lesson from the Muskrat

Working with the Muskrat (aka John Kovalic) has been a lot of fun as we get the workflow side of things situated. We’ve been dealing with this pesky thing called “infrastructure” (I might have said that before) as well as firming up business relationships and letting people know that we’re now a team of two (as opposed to a team of one).

While I’ve been giving John options and new ways to deal with the business, he’s also taught me something, too. Short answer? The importance of a positive tone in e-mail. Long answer? Read on…

Every day, we’re bombarded with communication. If you work online, chances are you’re getting input from Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, websites, forums, etc. That’s not including your phone, advertising, crappy drivers or bus passengers, etc. etc. etc.

Tone matters! The same words in the same e-mail changes tone if you add a smiley face or a friendly salutation. I’ve witnessed this time and time and time again. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Maybe it is just that simple. Maybe we read into tone on e-mails without even realizing it. Yet, the world changes when we not only talk to people with a smile, but infer that as well.

Since I’ve adopted the Muskrat WayTM, I have noticed a difference in the exchanges I’ve had. No, this doesn’t mean you suck up to people, because really? Since when do I do that and well? All this is, is a reminder that it’s not a bad thing to seek out positivity where you can. It can make a difference in a world where there’s not enough smiley faces throughout the day.

Thanks, John!

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