Writers, Help your Financial Outlook and Say Hello to your State and U.S. Agencies

Money | Original Photo by TW Collins on FlickrAfter Friday’s Amazon fiasco, where myself and several other writers, publishers, and editors called out to the blogosphere, I realized that many folk probably are feeling a little devastated right now. Just asking Dear Amazon, What are you Thinking? isn’t enough; when things like this happen, getting upset and angry is justified, but in the end we need a plan to move forward.

On my way into work this morning, I was reminded of a few resources that are easily accessible to everyone, like the U.S. Small Business Association. It all started when I heard yet another radio ad for businesses advocating “Free Credit Reports.” Not well known to many people, you may already have one available to you under a state statute. In Madison, Wisconsin Residents are eligible for a free credit report.

To find out whether or not you qualify, most states have something similar to Wisconsin’s Department of Financial Institution that you can reference. The purpose of this state agency is to help consumers with different aspects of their money; they are available as the go-between for all kinds of disputes ranging from credit repair schemes to services like setting up your LLC. The Wisconsin agency is also providing free seminars and classes to the public, which is vital information for freelancers who haven’t experienced the ebb and flow of payments yet.

When you’re a freelancer, tracking your income and expenses may be a “must,” but there are other business techniques that come into play as well–especially when you’re finding work or have to change your book-selling tactics on-the-fly.
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Monica Valentinelli >

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