Down a lonely alleyway, under a starless sky, lies a city that never was, yet is: the Mad City, where nightmares walk the streets, and a good night’s sleep can get you killed.
Here, then, is a book from that place. Within these recovered pages are the tales of the Awake, insomniacs who’ve walked those perilous streets, bringing a bit of the power of dream with them to fight back the night—always at a terrible cost.
For many, it will not end well. For a few, they might just become heroes—or at least find their way back home.
For you, a choice. Turn away. Don’t read this book. And maybe you’ll continue to rest easy. Or open the cover and enter a world unlike any you’ve ever dared to imagine…
Don’t Read This Book was edited by Chuck Wendig and is published by Evil Hat Productions, Inc. This anthology is based on the Don’t Rest Your Head role-playing game by Fred Hicks.
Stories By These Fine Authors
– Stephen Blackmoore
– Harry Connolly
– Rich Dansky
– Matt Forbeck
– Laura Anne Gilman
– Will Hindmarch
– Mur Lafferty
– Robin D. Laws
– Ryan Macklin
– C. E. Murphy
– Josh Roby
– Greg Stolze
– Monica Valentinelli