One of the characters I’m developing further is Atlas, who first appears in “Fangs and Formaldehyde” included in New Hero, Volume One. To deal with his inability to express his emotions, he writes love letters. Or, rather, his version of what a love letter should be. These words, conflicted and dark, are his way of of dealing with his guilt.
Here’s an example:
Every time I try to forget about you, something screams at me, pulling me back into your pale memory. This time, it was the scent of your oils. The pungent smell of carnations forced me to remember the time we snuck out into your private gardens. You were so regal then, so accustomed to ordering your servants around. Not like now. What has happened to you? Are you still alive?
Back then, you were young and paranoid. I laughed at you when you ordered your handmaidens to stand watch while I rubbed oil on your neck. You told me that even simple things, like a casual touch, would cause our ruin. And you were right.
Our hearts still beat that night in the gardens. It was beautiful, sad. We both knew what the day would bring. Responsibility. Honor. Fidelity. I didn’t care for any of it, but you? You were greedier than I was. Hungrier.
Still, there was no blood, no pain, no curse. Only us. This memory I shall keep.
His method of diving into his heart, is my way of exploring his depths through words, and bring that layer into his story.
- Mood: Focused
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: One or two
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: I stretched, but it’s not enough.
In My Ears: Being Human (UK)
Game Last Played: Tetris
Movie Last Viewed: Dredd
Latest Artistic Project: … Been too long … Far too long…
Latest Release: “Fangs and Formaldehyde” from the New Hero anthology through Stone Skin Press
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