Wanted to post some pictures we took at the Madison rally on Saturday, February 26th. We had a high of fifteen degrees Celsius that day; snow was more like ice flakes than anything else.
The rally began with The Star Spangled Banner.
Speeches were given by: the leader of the Wisconsin NAACP, an Episcopalian minister representing over 200 clergy from different faiths statewide, Wisconsin native actor Bradley Whitford along with Robert Newman and Gabrielle Carteris representing AFTRA, SGA and the Writer’s Guild, several nurses, teachers and professors, Jeff Skiles the co-pilot from the Miracle on the Hudson rescue last year, our state’s fire chief, etc.
The protests began almost two weeks ago and Saturday’s rally was an estimated crowd of 70,000 plus. To date, there have been no arrests.
Since I do not want to turn my blog into a forum for political debate, I am closing comments. I just wanted to share these photos with you, since these historic and prolonged protests are happening in my town.

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